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Improve your ROI

Enabling profitable data decisions. 



Profitable Growth: Unlock the Power of Analytics


We excel in defining and delivering value across various industries. Utilizing our analytical prowess, we extract meaningful insights from business data to facilitate informed decision-making, transforming, organizing, drawing conclusions, and uncovering hidden patterns.


Increase conversion at a lower spend: improving your ROI. Our Data analytic solutions provide customer insights and answers that will optimise your customer acquisition strategies.


We apply advanced analytics to identify leads that match your preferred customer profile and have a higher response probability.

Whether you want to grow your customer base or apply targeted marketing campaigns to existing customers, our marketing services methodologies and solutions will meet your business needs.


Lead Conversion Solutions

Improve your acquisition process and reduce your costs, by reducing the amount of leads who won’t take up your offer, you contact. Invnt Analytics uses machine learning and complex statistical models, to identify leads that have a better chance of converting and becoming good, long-standing customers.

Invnt Analytics Leads provides recommended action and execution options for each contact to ensure you’re not only contacting the right people, but also with the most effective messaging and via the right channel.

Partnership For The Goals 

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Our Dynamic Collaboration with The UCT Institute of Strategic Marketing


We're thrilled to unveil our strategic partnership with the prestigious University of Cape Town Institute of Strategic Marketing. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in our commitment to excellence and innovation in the field.


Why Partner with UCT Institute of Strategic Marketing?


Expertise: Access cutting-edge research and insights from leading experts in strategic marketing.


Collaborative Projects: Engage in joint initiatives that push the boundaries of marketing innovation.


Professional Development: Benefit from exclusive workshops, seminars, and programs designed to enhance skills and knowledge.


Empowering the Future of Marketing


Together, we are shaping the future of marketing through a fusion of academic rigor and industry expertise. Explore the possibilities with our newfound collaboration and stay tuned for exciting developments on the horizon..



Unlocking the full potential of your marketing efforts

Our mission is to utilize data science to:

  1. Increase Marketing Campaign Contact: We help businesses expand their reach and connect with a broader audience through targeted marketing strategies tailored to their unique needs.

  2. Boost Response and Activation Rates: By analysing data insights, we optimise marketing efforts to enhance response rates and drive higher levels of customer activation.

  3. Reduce Cost of Acquisition and Retention: Our data-driven approach enables businesses to identify high-quality leads with a high probability of response, ultimately reducing acquisition costs and improving customer retention rates.

  4. Minimise Dilution of Brand: Through targeted lead selection and personalised messaging, we mitigate the risk of brand dilution and ensure that marketing efforts resonate with the intended audience.

  5. Segment Offers for Relevance: We segment marketing offers to ensure relevance and increase customer engagement, resulting in improved take-up rates and overall campaign effectiveness.

  6. Identify Effective Channels: Utilising advanced analytics, we identify the most effective marketing channels and continuously optimize strategies to maximize returns on investment.

  7. Enhance Customer Experience: By leveraging data insights, we enhance the customer experience, fostering loyalty and increasing customer spend through personalized interactions and tailored marketing initiatives.

Image by Lars Kienle


Let’s Work Together

Clock Tower Retail Centre

Portswood Rd, Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001

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